CX Strategy

Insights Categories:

Examining Customer Service in Government: Citizen Expectations and the Path Forward
What does the local DMV have in common with, let’s say, Apple? Well, they both probably have a lot of the same ...
How to Keep Your Treadmill from Becoming A Coat Rack
Have you ever made that big investment for a systems solution to only realize later that it doesn't fix your problem? Many ...
Voice for Value, Not for Cost: 5 Ways to Leverage Voice in the Digital Age
Traditionally, the voice channel is viewed by organizations as a higher cost channel, and recently, digital channels are viewed by customers as ...
How has digital changed the way people do business & businesses sell?
Sixteen years ago, only 6.7% of the global population had internet access. Today, 3 billion people and 40% of the global population ...
Human hand touch an atrifical glass hand
How do Call Centers Leverage Artificial Intelligence?  
The idea of an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can behave, think or act like a human has fascinated all since the ...
A customer experience strategist will deliver the insight for you to take action.
Implementing a transformational customer experience solution without a strategist is like installing a hot water heater without a plumber
  I continue to learn how essential it is to leverage an expert for everything from plumbing to implementing a customer experience ...
redundancy can create simplicity
When it’s Good to be Redundant in IVR Design…and Life
As early as I can remember learning anything, I was taught to strive for efficiency.  “Inefficient” and “redundant” were bad words, and ...
Emotional Intelligence-Driven Voice User Interface Design
In a recent series of radio ads that feature a bereft and primitive attempt at a telephone customer experience, Ruby Receptionist entreats ...

7 Innovative Ways to

Improve Customer Service

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